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/ QRZ! Ham Radio 21 / QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 21.iso / CALLBK / GIFS / W8VNZ.JPG < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2003-03-25  |  35KB  |  400x255  |  16-bit (44,518 colors)
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OCR: W8VNZ Amateur Radio Mark W. McCann Bringing 9083 West Wilson Rd. Montrose, MI 48457-9129 the World USA Loc-EN83be ITU;8 Genesee County Together Icom 706MIIG in Peace email- WaBvniz carri.net Bomtr Horizontal Loop Remembering 6BTY Vertical the World Trade Center Disaster September 2001 To: xxxxxx This confirms our 2-way SSB QSO Date: mmm dd, yyyy Time: hh:mm UTC Band: XX UR Sigs: 59+ TNX FER FB QSO OM ES PSE QSL VIA EQSL.CC